Poi per la gioia di mio marito sono iniziate le ferie di settore dove la follia ha avuto la meglio ed ormai sono diventate tappa fissa per rinnovare e aumentare idee ed attrezzature. Si perché servono davvero diverse cosette per creare...guardi la scatola con i punch, i timbri, le decorazioni e le idee vengono da sé!
Un giorno partecipo al mio primo mercatino e li c'è stata la svolta. Si avvicinano due ragazzi molto giovani:lei dai capelli rossi sembrava una fatina e lui quasi albino un elfo ( no non ho le visioni!!!). Lei entusiasta dice a lui: "potremmo usare questi mini album come bomboniera...! Abbiamo iniziato a parlarne insieme, l'idea mi piaceva proprio...ok la conversazione non ha portato a molto, ma mi ha aperto il classico "portone" . Ho deciso di applicare la tecnica dello scrap a quelle cosette che per i matrimoni non sai mai a chi affibbiare ( partecipazioni, coni di riso, libretti per la chiesa, menù, tableau, segnaposto, nomi tavolo, legatovaglioli, palette per la confettata, biglietti di ringraziamento, e chi più ne ha più ne metta!) Che dire di più..spero che questo sia l'inizio di una nuova ed eccitante avventura e se avete bisogno di me...sono qui!
Ok I checked and I think everythings works well ... My english is not so good my I would like to reach and know a lot of people! Then I would like to tell you a little bit about they way I started working with paper .... All started by chance, dragged by a friend to a basic course in scrapbooking. I almost ignored what it was, but I would like to spend the afternoon with my friend.
I used to spend time painting, sewing why not jump into a new world?! Needless to say, it was love at first fold ...! Nothing to say Internet did the rest, look, discover, trying ... I'm in love!
Then, to the delight of my husband I started to go to the various fair and exhibition and now they are fixed stage to renew and increase ideas and equipment. Because you really need a lot of different things to create new works... look into the box with punches, stamps, decorations and ideas come immediately!
One I had my first occasion to sell my creations and this was the turning point. I young couple approached my stand: she looked like a red-haired fairy and he seemed an elf (no I do not have visions!). She enthusiastically said to him, "we could use these mini album as wedding favor!" We started talking about that together, I really liked this idea ... This conversation opened what we in Italy call "portone", that is a new big world, an interesting evolution . "I decided to apply scrap to the little wedding things you never know who can prepare (invitation, cones for rice, booklets for the church, menus, tableau, cards, table names, thank you cards, and so on and so forth!) What else to say .. I hope this is the beginning of a new and exciting adventure and if you need me ... I'm here!
I used to spend time painting, sewing why not jump into a new world?! Needless to say, it was love at first fold ...! Nothing to say Internet did the rest, look, discover, trying ... I'm in love!
Then, to the delight of my husband I started to go to the various fair and exhibition and now they are fixed stage to renew and increase ideas and equipment. Because you really need a lot of different things to create new works... look into the box with punches, stamps, decorations and ideas come immediately!
One I had my first occasion to sell my creations and this was the turning point. I young couple approached my stand: she looked like a red-haired fairy and he seemed an elf (no I do not have visions!). She enthusiastically said to him, "we could use these mini album as wedding favor!" We started talking about that together, I really liked this idea ... This conversation opened what we in Italy call "portone", that is a new big world, an interesting evolution . "I decided to apply scrap to the little wedding things you never know who can prepare (invitation, cones for rice, booklets for the church, menus, tableau, cards, table names, thank you cards, and so on and so forth!) What else to say .. I hope this is the beginning of a new and exciting adventure and if you need me ... I'm here!
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